Hi there!  My name is Jane, and I’m an Aberdeen born Artist and Textile Designer.  I live in a the small village of Methlick with my husband, three boys and ginger cat!  I own an art, interiors and lifestyle shop in Maud, Aberdeenshire which is also my studio and workshop.  

A little bit about me… I graduated in 1998 with a degree in Printed Textiles from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee.  Between 1999 and 2004  I worked as a stylist for Habitat in London.  The experience, inspiration and creativity that this allowed me to explore was amazing!

In 2004 my husband and I 'grew up' (a little) - we moved back to Aberdeen, got married, got a mortgage, and I became a Commercial Manager at Marks and Spencer.   Our lives changed forever in 2007 when we had our first son Riley.  Due to complications in  labour, our beautiful son was born with Cerebral Palsy, a brain injury that affects infants under 2. We knew from the first day of his life that he would face huge challenges.  It was such a worrying time, and all of our focus and energy went into Riley.   Along the way, Riley’s brothers Corey and Hugh came along, followed by Nala and Simba our cats, and then our family was complete! 

As a parent, I feel that sometimes you can get lost in your children a bit.  You spend so much of your energy caring for and loving them that you can lose your own identity.  I was very aware of this and I realised that I was a shadow of my pre children self, and as a result I dusted down my old sketchbooks and began to draw again for the first time in over a decade.  The artistic flame was reignited!